Primary school and Kidergarten, Monsummano Terme, Italy, 2015


The Project aims to create a place that, starting from topological figures of the site, redesigns the boundaries of the area, working on the relationship between public and private, thanks to the creation of a sequence of spaces of different scales, intended for different clusters of users. The project introduces a double interpretation of space: an anthropological and a perceptive one, both of these figures persuade users to correct interpretation of the social sphere.

The planimetric configuration of the building provides transition filter areas between the public space and the individual one. At the same time it responds to a negotiation between city space and countryside space.  Two separate accesses for the nursery school and the primary school define protected collective areas between school community and  city community. The thresholds between one space and another are always created in such a way as to delay access and promote an understanding of the social components of the space.

The use of color and the intra-exchange of the project with the rural space aims to stimulate children's creativity. Finally, the construction technology used, XLAM, and the bioclimatic design of the modules aim to reduce costs and environmental impacts. The construction process therefore takes place in such a way as to guarantee efficiency and healthiness of the internal and external environment.