"Bottega" during  15th century was the place of 
production and creativity, the place where European cities are imagined and designed, it was a space where  craftsmanship and know-how prevailed. Contemporary architecture must take up those local values ​​of each place and from these must give rise to new contemporary languages ​​that express that place in our time, while innovating and sometimes radically transforming it.  The place is precisely the object of our attention, as an experienced space, as an element of a layered environmental and anthropic system, which today we call landscape.  Therefore, innovation  is a process that arises from the recognition of the identity characteristics of a place, such as:  topographic, architectural, environmental or anthropic, and which evolves into a new contemporary language that dialogues with it, and, if necessary, set back from it.  Nevertheless, this innovation process is based on the use of new parametric technologies, which are today giving rise to a new craftsmanship. This is the result of the knowledge society and the advent of the digital one. Now a days, society partially takes up the features of the late-medieval one, echoes of a new humanism. Infact, diffusion of printed books similarly to the internet and the advent of Artificial Intelligence offer multiple opportunities  for individual and locals societies to learn and develop. On one hand, remote working reinvigorates the topic of the "Bottega" - House and  the neighborhood as well, opening up the possibility of new relational spaces, more linked to the proximity of vital activities. On the other hand, the virtualization of public relationships and politics, in the globalization era of the internet, inputs issues that are subverting the relationship between public and private: concepts that today seem to be increasingly blured. Nontheless,  we are  witnessing a crisis of the public meaning, while at the same of the private one. This is why, common idea of private and privacy is now attacked, in the era of social media, by a form of collective voyeurism. In addition, our lives and consciences are incorporated by a mechanism that reflects them in their digital twins, making the individual vulnerable to the control of an increasingly occult and uncontrollable power. Consequentially, the collective cognitive potential given by the network and the internet in its early stages, shows  today its weakness in a world, where, individual is instead deprived of any possibility of choice and thought and everything is delegated to algorithms. Finally, 5G in the global digital hyper-connection era, risks dragging the world of Artificial Intelligence towards one, in which, there is instead a form of collective stupidity, resulting in a new massification where knowledge and wealth will no longer be widespread, but concentrated in the hands of a few. However, 2G, as the very first digital model of global connection, if combined with the topics of neighborhood and proximity, as well as those of deliberative political life, can generate a better and fairer world, definitelly armouniously linking  local and global.
In conclusion, the office professional activity, interprets the contemporary topics of digital society practicing research that redraws places and relationships between individuals into the space.

Giovanni Murgia | Chief Architect

Giovanni studied architecture at Polytechnic of Turin and at the ETSAB in Barcelona. He graduated in 2015 with a thesis on the Hippodrome District in Mirafiori District in Turin, which has been awarded and published on the University Webthesis's page. In the same year he began to work in Milan, but in 2016 he moved to China, in Beijing, where he worked with some of the best local design firms, focusing on Landscape Urbanism projects as well as architecture for culture and educational spaces. Later, he continued to deal with urban and architectural design, collaborating for the next 6 years with the best global corporates in the sector, gaining experience in the Residential, Retail, Mixed Use and Healthcare markets.
In 2021, he came back to Italy and starts his own digital office.